200 – Port Towage and Tugs

(average: 4.62)

Guests: Lex van der Schaaf, Andrey Volkov, Arno Jacq, Jan Luursema, Baldo Dielen    
Host: Markus Voelter    Shownoter: Stefaan Rillaert

In this 200th episode of omega tau we cover a topic that has been on our list for a long time: harbour tugs. We start out with a conversation with Lex van der Schaaf, the COO of Port Towage Amsterdam, who gives us a general introduction to port towage. Markus then joins Arno, Jan and Andrey on their tug Thetis for a day of towing in the port of Amsterdam. In the last conversation, Markus speaks with Baldo Dielen about the design of modern tugs, using the EDDY tug as a representative example.

Part 2, On the tug, helping Frio Murmansk


Frio Murmansk | Tug Thetis | Mooring | Flag of convenience | Winch

Tug into Amsterdam



The engine and the equipment on board


Stern | Propeller | Aft

Bulk Trident out of the 'haven'


Bulk Trident