097 – How Apollo Explored the Moon
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This is the long-awaited follow-up to the first Apollo episode, once again with W. David Woods, author of How Apollo Flew to the Moon. In this episode we cover that part that we omitted in the first episode: the time on the moon. We talk about life support, the various scientific instruments and experiments as well as the technology and use of the lunar rover (about which David is actually writing another book).
- Book: How Apollo Flew to the Moon
- Book: Lunar Rover Manual
- omega tau 83: How Apollo Flew to the Moon
- NASA Dryden
- F-16
- Supercritical Fluid
- Lunar Rover
- Sublimation
- Rebreather
- Video: Riding the Shuttle Boosters
- Potassium
- Oxygen Purge System (OPS)
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Pulse-width Modulation
- Brushless DC Electric Motor
- Harmonic Drive
- Ackermann Steering Geometry
- Accretion Disc
- Anorthosite
- X-Rax Spectroscopy
- Gamma Spectroscopy
- Gravimeter
- Surveyor Program
- Regolith
- Magellan (Probe)
- Cassini (Probe)
Errata. At 1:27:57, I said that the drill used on the lunar surface was used to produce 6-metre holes. That should have been 3-metre holes – 2.8 metres to be exact.
Dear David and Markus, like the prequel this was an excellent episode, certainly one of my favorites. Thank you very much. @David: Part 1 already persuaded me to get a copy of “How Apollo Flew to the Moon”: it’s absolutely fascinating. I was wondering if there were any plans for a second book along the lines of “How the Space Shuttle Flew to the ISS”?
I would buy it :)
David and Markus ,excellent show!! This along with the First show with David is among the very best of Omega Tau. Very geeky just like I like it. David your Scottish accent is kick ass. Markus you too. Please keep the technical stuff coming. And please consider a 3rd Apollo episode with David. Alot was covered but I am sure there is way more details and anecdotes that can be covered..Thank you both!
Where can I get episode 1 please?
Nice episode – thank you!
This link just popped up at G+ – might be interesting:
(it’s scans of the Lunar Rover Operations Handbook)
Another superb episode. I love listening to Mr Woods. Bought three copies of his Moon book, for me and others.
Would love it if a podcast about the Apollo computers can be done.
Well done, Markus.
Thanks for your kind words, folks. @p, apart from the Rover book I’m working on at the moment, I plan to devote more time to the Apollo Flight Journal, though one never knows what the future will bring. However, I know of a gentleman who is writing a book on the Space Shuttle that was directly inspired by ‘How Apollo Flew to the Moon’. http://www.amazon.com/To-Orbit-Back-Again-Exploration/dp/1461409829
It is on my list :-)
Great! I will talk to that guy :-) Do you know him personally?
Another oustanding episode. Thank you David and Markus. I can hardly wait for the next episode with David.
Didn’t yet find the time to hear this episode, because I’m busy with reading “How Apollo Flew To The Moon”. Really great work, David!
Thanks for your nice words :-)
Great podcast and great job David.
Have you considered interviewing Leif Svalgaard of Stanford? Something very interesting is happening on the sun, called the Livingston and Penn effect and it might be a great podcast as this is possibly huge, but largely unknown: http://www.leif.org/research/Livingston%20and%20Penn.png
Wieder eine tolle Folge mit Mr. Woods, der sein wirklich profundes Wissen mit einem wunderbaren Humor präsentiert! Inzwischen habe ich diesen schottischen Akzent richtig gern! […»og’schen«…] ;-)
Danke für diesen weiteren Einblick in die erstaunlichen Ingenieurleistungen der 60er/70er Jahre, die mit einfachsten Mitteln offenbar in der Lage waren, auch komplexe Probleme tüftlerisch zu lösen!
Ich finde das Schottisch auch schön :-)
Great program guys. Markus it is great you allow your guests to expand on answers. Great job Mr. Woods!
@David: thanks for the Amazon link — I just put the Shuttle book on my wish list. Looking forward to your Rover book as well, naturally.
Pingback: Apollo’s Flights to the Moon | omega tau podcast
Markus & David – two great conversations on Apollo (which I only happened to discover in the past couple of months). These are my favourite omega tau episodes thus far (closely followed by the very first episode by Markus in his Motersegler ;-) !
I very much like that David also delves into the actual science resulting from Apollo. Got my copy of “How Apollo flew to the Moon” in the past week, and really like David’s concise and conversational style of telling the story!
Another great episode, Incidentally, relating to this episode; if you haven’t heard the full recordings of the engineers monitoring the Apollo 11 landing, recently released, I believe the frozen fuel problem as described by David Woods as being a possible abort situation, is heard being discussed by the technicians here towards the end of the first and longest recording from the site…http://www.klabs.org/history/apollo_11_alarms/console/
note, I am learning a lot thanks to the podcasts and indeed about all other topics- (my actual knowledge is only frozen in time from having been a space mad 6 year old at the time…….)