006 – Computational Thinking
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This episode is a discussion with Jeannette Wing on Computational Thinking. Citing the website of Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Computational Thinking website, “computational thinking is a way of solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior that draws on concepts fundamental to computer science.”. As a consequence of computing being more and more important for today’s science, “computational thinking has to be a fundamental part of the way people think and understand the world.”. Jeannette is a leader in this field, and we discuss various aspect of the topic in this show: what computational thinking is, examples of its importance in various fields of science and strategies about how it can be taught to pupils, students and scientists.
- Jeannette’s website
- The original CACM article that made me (Markus) aware of the topic
- Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Computational Thinking
- Computer Science Teachers Association
- Computer Science Unplugged
- Peter Denning’s Great Principles of Computing
- Markus’ presentation on Fundamentals of Software Architecture
… and if you liked the music: Portal – Blood Red Tape
Great episode!
…and yes, I did like the music. The album’s downloading right now :-)
Hi Achim,
There’s more from Portal in Episode 9 :-)
I must admit I was suprised to hear Ms. Wing say that Mr. Marcus hit the money when he said that it was her intention to have practitioners realize the role computer science/computational thinking plays in their respective discipline because of the rise of computers. The message I perceived was that the processes/tools utilized by these practitioners could be refined by undergoing scrutiny, if you will, from the processes of computational thinking.
Fantastic music!
Thank you!