022 – Nuclear Fusion at MPI für Plasmaphysik
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This episode covers my visit to the Max Plack Institut for Plasmaphysik where I spent a couple of hours with Matthias Reich talking about nuclear fusion. The episode has three parts. In part one we talk about the scienfic and physical basics of nuclear fusion. Part two covers some of the ways the MPI facilities work, and part three discusses the ASDEX Upgrade experiment at IPP in Garching.
- Nuclear Fusion explained at Wikipedia
- Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
- The Tokamak
- The Stellarator
- ZDFmediathek zu Kernfusion (German)
- The JET facility
- ITER, and its fan club
- The NIF
I think we should talk more about aneutronic nuclear fusion.
Very interesting episode. Thank you!
Super Podcast. Hat mir sehr gefallen.
Schöne Folge! Auf Deutsch hätte mir noch besser gefallen, der deutsche Akzent im Englischen tut mir in den Ohren weh ;)
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