197 – The European XFEL
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Guests: Joachim Schulz Host: Markus Voelter Shownoter: Pascal Becker
The European XFEL is an x-ray free electron laser currently being built in Hamburg. In this episode we talk with Joachim Schulz about the project itself, the design and construction of the laser and the experiment hall, as well as about some of the science that is expected to be done with XFEL once it is finished.
00:02:48Angström | X-Ray tube | Synchroton | Coherent effect | Free electron laser | Laser | Plasma | Cavity | Undulator | Total reflection | DESY | LCLS | International Linear Collider (ILC) | LHC | ESRF (Synchroton Radiation Science at ESRF - omega tau 011)
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