
300 – How Processors Got So Fast

(average: 4.63)

Have you ever wondered how the processor in your phone or computer got so much more faster than what the increase in megahertz suggests? In this episode we talk with Lex Augusteijn about superscalar processors, pipelining, speculative execution, register renaming and the like. We also discuss concerns other than speed, in particular, energy efficiency.

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237 – Synthesizers

(average: 4.81)

Late 2016, during a trip to the Netherlands, I visted Rutger Vlek of River Creative Technology in his home studio to record an episode about synthesizers. We talked about the basics of sound generation, various enveloping and filtering techniques, sound design, the different fundamental approaches of sound synthesis, as well as a couple of classic synths. Rutger illustrated lots of approaches with samples from some of his many synthesizers.

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138 – Fly-by-Wire im A320

(average: 4.70)

Diese Episode betrachtet das Fly-by-Wire System des A320 im Detail; in gewisser Weise ist diese Episode eine Fortsetzung der letzten Episode aus anderer Perspektive. Ich unterhalte mich dazu mit Reinhard Reichel vom Institut für Luftfahrtsysteme der Universität Stuttgart. Es geht um die Grundlagen von Fly-by-wire, die Funktionalitäten die es typischerweise zur Verfügung stellt, sowie die Architektur des Systems im A320. Dabei gehen wir auch auf einige Grundlagen von robusten, redundanten Systemen ein.

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