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This episode is a conversation with Iain Bethune from the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center about high-performance computing: the topic has played an implicit role in many previous omega tau episodes, and this episode treats it explicitly. We discuss different architectures (supercomputers, commodity clusters, grid computing), programming languages and software design as well as application areas.
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This episode is about autonomous vehicles (aka self-driving cars). Our guest is Jonathan Sprinkle, assistant professor at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona. We talk about the topic mainly from the perspective of (software and systems) engineering, but also address legal and societal questions.
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Diese Episode betrachtet das Fly-by-Wire System des A320 im Detail; in gewisser Weise ist diese Episode eine Fortsetzung der letzten Episode aus anderer Perspektive. Ich unterhalte mich dazu mit Reinhard Reichel vom Institut für Luftfahrtsysteme der Universität Stuttgart. Es geht um die Grundlagen von Fly-by-wire, die Funktionalitäten die es typischerweise zur Verfügung stellt, sowie die Architektur des Systems im A320. Dabei gehen wir auch auf einige Grundlagen von robusten, redundanten Systemen ein.
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This episode covers Wolfram|Alpha, Wolfram‘s computational knowledge engine and the backend of Siri. Our guest is Michael Trott, the chief scientist of Wolfram|Alpha. In the episode we discuss how Wolfram|Alpha works, including aspects of language processing, ontologies and semantics as well as presentation of results to the user.
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In this episode we discuss Mathematica, Wolfram Research’s technical computing system. With our guest, kernel developer Daniel Lichtblau, we discuss Mathematica’s capabilities for symbolic, numeric and other forms of computation, and we can do and how it works internally.