Listener Survey Results
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In this episode we discuss the results of the recent listener survey. We discuss the overall structure of the audience and also look at some of the suggestions for improvement you gave us as part of the feedback. One result of the survey is that very few people listen only to the German episodes — this is why we publish the survey results only in English :-)
Thanks for making the feedback to your survey transparent by reporting on in in the podcast itself – very nice idea. Keep up the good work! And great to hear that you intend to change your post production workflow to the Auphonic/Podlove tools, once they are out of alpha status.
Wie ihr euch das mit den Übersetzungen eurer Sendungen vorstellt, erschließt sich mir nicht. In der Sendung ermuntert ihr zwar zum (gesprochenen?) Übersetzen eurer Sendungen, verbietet aber gerade dies zugleich mit eurer non-derivative-Lizenz. Auch bei Transkripten oder Untertiteln eurer Sprachwerke würde es sich um abgeleitete Werke handeln.
Das ist ein guter Punkt! Wenn jemand Transkripte oder Übersetzungen machen wollen würde, dann fänden wir da sicher eine Lösung: Änderung der CC Lizenz oder Dual-Licensing (also spezielle Lizenz für diesen Fall). Allerdings ist das meiner Meinung nach so unwahrscheinlich, dass man da nicht ernsthaft drüber nachdenken muss. Das war in der Episode eigentlich mehr als Scherz gemeint! Oder willst Du’s übersetzen :-) ?
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I enjoyed the episode. I assumed a lot of your listener base was software engineers but I assumed there were more female listeners. Regardless, I wanted to mention you have great audio quality in comparison to other web casts I listen to and as long as both interviewer and interviewee are legible I am happy. Being in person is great and all, but not necessary. Spend that time you would traveling preparing for the interview.
One thing I might recommend is that you spend a bit more time editing audio if the interviewee has a thick accent as the gain in quality would be noticeable.
Thanks for your feedback! What kind of editing should I do with the accent?
Thanks for this “episode” also from me: to get the results and interpretation of such a survey is not given often in this open manner.
My impression was that you are meanwhile put in a position that sets you kind of at the same level with journalists. This would require objectivity and verification such as double checks of given information.
Perhaps some listeners should realize that your podcast operates as a hobby – of course with a lot of effort and high professional standards, but also with the fun of it and your own opinions and directions of where you “steering” the discussion.
About the same topic is the audio quality – as far as I am concerned I mostly took it as satisfactory and thought it to be obvious that discussions with people at the other side of the earth cannot presented in studio quality. (BTW, the Skype conversation with Tom Jones for me sounded really good!)
For me it is kind of the genuine, authentic way of presenting this podcast, which makes it living and human.
As one of the few non IT- or engineering-related listeners I appreciate every single episode and the variation of topics very much. The few themes in which I really was not interested at all, i just did not listen to or cancelled listening after a while…
And I think it is politically correct not to put some of the sensible themes into a political context. Military related machines always are ethically critical because of their use as weapons – nevertheless they are very interesting items of engineering science! I say this as a “Zivildienstleistender” who is not to convinced of army aims and so on. But we all know that the most effort – and money – is spent for military purposes. And sometimes we all take our benefits from these developments, such as GPS or earth surveillance…
My conclusion: don’t try to be TOO professional, just put technical progress as it comes along and is easy to use – meanwhile I am quite satisfied with your format as it actually is. (I really should look after this Podlove stuff, interesting…)
Great big THANKS for your work!
P.S. perhaps there is a software to automatically change o’gschen to oxygen on the fly within the audio stream… ;-))
BTW: Captcha this time didn’t work at Safari input, with Firefox it did!
Thanks Jochen :-)
In the survey you asked us what podcasts we listen to. Will you publish any feedback on that point?
I’m interested to know what people who enjoy Omega Tau listen to apart from Omega Tau.
Thanks, :bob
I will publish that, as soon as I find the time to sort it out a bit.
Nochmal wegen der Sprachwahl/Übersetzung:
Gibt es denn ganz viele Anfragen (oder gar Beschwerden…kaum vorstellbar!) wegen Übersetzungen der englischen Episoden?
Ich mag mich täuschen, aber gehört Englisch heute nicht zur “Grundausstattung” wenn man in technischen Berufen unterwegs ist?
Das frage ich mich, weil die Umfrage ja überwiegend HörerInnen aus diesem Sektor aufgezeigt hat.
Vielleicht eine Fehleinschätzung meinerseits, da ich zu den “few other`s” gehöre, die nicht aus der IT oder Tech-Branche kommen ;-)
Den Sound finde ich i.d.R. total akzeptabel und – da schliesse ich mich meinem Vorredner an – manchmal sogar richtig super, wie im Falle der Tom-Jones-Episode.
Es ist ein freier Podcast und keine super-highend-BBC-Produktion oder sowas.
Und hey, immerhin seid Ihr international unterwegs (jedenfalls per Fon und Skype) und kriegt absolut interessante Leute an die Leitung (ich verweise z.B. auf die Folgen mit John Ellis, die Episoden habe ich mir schon mehrfach angehört!)
Das soll Euch erstmal einer nachmachen!
Da macht es m. Mng. nach null komma gar nix, wenn es hier und da mal ein bisschen in der Leitung knackt ;-)
Keep going!
P.s ich freue mich auch schon auf weitere Folgen mit Nora bzw. Euch beiden!
Als eine Eurer scheinbar raren HörerINNEN finde ich es natürlich besonders wichtig, auch die weibliche Hälfte von Omega Tau regelmässig im Ohr zu haben ;-)
Nicely summed up. Good analysis.
Hallo Markus,
diese Episode taucht – obwohl in englisch – in der Liste der deutschsprachigen Episoden auf.
Vielen Dank für eure Mühen und die viele Arbeit. Tolle Leistung!
Danke Thomas. Ja, wir hatten das damals in alle Feeds getan weil wir wollten, dass wirklich alle die Ergebnisse der Umfrage hören.
For the guest recordings I would suggest mailing a really simple device such as a USB flash memory voice recorder with internal battery. They cost around 20-30 EUR only. Send it in a noise muffling envelope + return envelope ahead of phone/skype. There is one switch only – mistakes should be rare. That would also allow the interviewee to walk around and get some ambient sound (or additional comments from others in the process), which would be difficult if you’re pure phone or skype.
With regard to translation, I think this could be a pretty big thing actually. Imagine you are stuck in a language where relatively few people understand English well enough to listen to 2 h podcasts for fun, but there is lots of technical interest (e.g. French).
Also you could perhaps add an encouragement to your license section that says, e.g.: “Please get in touch with us directly if you want to use this in a non-profit educational context and/or want to do a translation.”
Perhaps something similar could be done for other file formats (or even chapter markers).
Last bit, although I did not make it into the survey (I’m a very intermittent listener), I would appreciate if you could have an eye out for female interview partners. Just for variety of perspective. Just as example, I recently learned that they are the majority in tech grad level studies in the UAE. Of course they have a tiny citizenry not exactly all of the mega-projects are built by them from the ground up. But there still ought to be a bunch of interesting long form stories hidden in that place.
I’ll reply to your comments in the year-end episode.