219 – Flying the V-22 Osprey
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Gast: Seth Cannon Host: Markus Voelter Shownoter: Markus Voelter
The V-22 Osprey is the first operational tilt rotor aircraft. After not always problem-free development and test period, it is now used successfully with the USAF and the USMC. In this episode we talk to a V-22 pilot, Maj. Seth Cannon of the 7th SOS in RAF Mildenhall about the aircraft, some of its systems, and, primarily, about how it is flown. I met Seth Cannon in Bayreuth, where one of the 7th SOS had to land because of problems with a gearbox. Read the story here. This is also where I took the pictures below.
Classification and Designation
00:05:48V-22 Osprey | Bell/AgustaWestland AW609 | T-38 Talon | Crew Licensing | Crew Background | UH-1 Huey | MH-60 | C-130 | T-1 Jayhawk | AV-8B Harrier | OV-10 Bronco
Systems, Cockpit, Missions
00:10:28T-406 Engine | Speed | Crew | MH-53 | CH-46 | CH-47 | Head-up Display | HUD Monocle | AH-64 Apache | Night-Vision Goggles
Flight Controls, Fly-by-wire
00:22:21Fly-by-Wire | Cyclic Stick | Collective | Throttle Control Lever | Constant Speed Rotor | Tilt Rocker Switch | Auto-Hover | Autopilot | Terrain-Following Radar
Flying the Ospey
00:32:20Taxiing | Translational Lift | Center Gravity | Hot and High | Rolling Take-off | Rolling Landing | Low-Level Flying | Air-to-air Refuelling | C-130 | KC-10
Cool, eine Episode über meinen Lieblingshelikopter in “LHX: Attack Chopper”. :-)
Coole Episode! Hier noch ein Projekt für einen privaten Senkrechtstarter:
Lilium Jet, the world’s first electric vertical take-off and landing jet.
Thanks Darius, I had seen this before. In fact, I was in contact with the company about an episode, but they decided not to participate :-(
Schöne Folge! Hat mich dann doch interessiert, das mit der Gleitzahl – 4,5. Na ja, besser als ein Stein… bzw. so gut (wenig schlecht?) wie die vom Space Shuttle. :-)
Aber nicht viel besser :-)
Sehr interessante episode Markus. Danke
Mich hat die mechanische Kupplung beide Turbinen fasziniert. Eigentlich ja logisch im fall einen turbine Ausfall. Muss aber einer ziemlich complexen systeem sein?
Another great aviation overview podcast; especially on one point because I had always expected that the V-22’s 90-degree flap setting was used as a baffle to prevent turbulent downwash from spilling over and then mixing under the fixed wing.
I’ll also take this opportunity (as I do any other) to point out that the myth of rotary flight being difficult is just that – a myth!
True from the mid 1940’s to mid-70’s it could have been described as tricky, but even before someone slapped a turbine on the roof it has never requried some exceptional feat of co-ordination.
Indeed, if you’re physically and mentally able to pass your drivers’ license then I can certainly teach you how to fly a helicopter, it’s all just a matter of time. Although I too have found that, strangely, fixed to rotary conversion seems to take longer than those who start with zero experience of either.
So whenever you are describing rotary flight please use the correct adjective, it’s not difficult, it’s not tricky…, it is expensive!
“All those people who complain about their student loans obviously never learnt to fly helicopters!” – A quote from my boss.
Thanks for pointing out the correct adjective :-) I will have to try it out myself!
I forgot to say that it’s also very, very, very fun too!
I assumed that :-)
Hallo Markus.
Steht das V nicht für VSTOL? Also für Kurzstarter?
Ich hatte gedacht die Rotoren laufen gegenläufig, also nicht “clockwise”. Aber vielleicht habe ich das auch falsch verstanden – passiert wenn man den Podcast beim Autofahren verschlingt.
Bin übrigens über Abnormals auf deine tolle Arbeit gestoßen. Luftrettung war auch eine super Atmosphäre.
Im X-plane Simulator V8 kann man eine Osprey steuern. Und sogar segelfliegen :)
Grüße und weiter so!
Ja, inzwischen habe ich das auch von anderer Seite schon gehört: V steht für Vertikal + Short, also VSTVL. Danke :-)