
333 – (Flying and Simulating) The F-14 Tomcat

(average: 4.28)

The F-14 Tomcat is one of the most iconic fighters, certainly among its generation. In this episode we talk with Nick Pirnia about the aircraft’s development and history as well as about flying it with former pilot Okie Nance. The aircraft is also available in the DCS flight simulator and the third part of this episode is a conversation with the development team from Heatblur about how to implement the F-14 in DCS; if you haven’t yet, check out some of their videos, this thing looks unbelievably realistic!

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313 – Volocopter

(average: 4.38)

Letzten Herbst war ich in Bruchsal bei Volocopter, die Multikopter-Flugtaxis entwickeln. Ich habe mich mit Stephan Wolf über Software und die Steuerung unterhalten, mit Michael Harms über Struktur und Aerodynamik und mit Alexander Zosel über Einsatzszenarien und Geschäftsmodelle.

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286 – Software Analog Effects

(average: 4.38)

Effects devices are essential for electric guitars and keyboards because they shape sound and make it interesting; many classic devices exist. However, those are rare and/or expensive, plus, even if they are not, carrying them around on a tour costs money. This is why these hardware devices are simulated in software, and distributed as plugins for audio software. Native Instruments is a manufacturer of such software analog effects packages. In this episode I chat with one of their engineers, Julian Parker, about how this software simulation of the electronic hardware is done.

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265 – Ethereum und Solidity

(average: 3.90)

Nach der Einführung in Blockchains und Smart Contracts in der letzten Episode betrachten wir nun eine konkrete Blockchain-Technologie im Detail: Ethereum, sowie die darauf meistgenutze Programmiersprache Solidity. Unser Gast ist Christian Reitwiessner, der Lead Developer von Solidity. Wir besprechen die Grundlagen von Ethereum, wie die Blockvalidierung funktioniert, die Ethereum Virtual Machine und Gas, die Grundlagen von Solidity, einige Ideen wie sich Solidity weiterentwickeln könnte, sowie alternative Sprachen wie bspw. Viper. Wir betrachten auch einige der Exploits und diskutieren, was man daraus lernen kann bzw. gelernt hat.

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243 – Formal Specification and Proof

(average: 4.35)

The increasing complexity of software requires increasingly sophisticated means of ensuring its correctness — “just” testing is not necessarily good enough, depending on the domain in which the software is used. Formal specification, verification and proof is a field with a long tradition in computer science that is gaining more (practical) relevance these days; and in this episode, we cover the basics. Our guest is Benjamin Pierce, professor of computer science at UPenn. We discuss the nature of (good) specifications, how verification and proof is different from testing, and where and how these techniques are successfully used today.

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