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Im Mai war ich im Daimler-Werk Sindelfingen und habe mir dort die Fahrsimulatoren angeschaut. Mit meinem Gast Friedrich Hoffmeyer, der die Simulatoren über die letzten Jahrzehnte maßgeblich mitentwickelt hat, habe ich mich unterhalten über deren Einsatzzwecke, die Visualisierung und — am ausführlichsten — über die Herausforderungen der Bewegungssimulation.
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In this episode we talk about the design, engineering and testing of race cars. I have visited Toyota Motorsport earlier this year and talked with Alastair Moffitt and a few of his colleagues. We start out with an introduction to TMG (Alastair Moffitt), then talk about component and full-car testing (Marco Gehlen), and then discuss wind tunnels and aerodynamics (Antonio Pavesi and Rene Hilhorst). We also cover design trade-offs, team/driver integration, the role of the driver during development, the cockpit, the elements on the steering wheel as well as testing. We close with a look at additive manufacturing (3D Printing) in TMG’s work.