007 – Flight in a Motorglider (English Only!)

(average: 4.09)

This episode is the English version of Episode 1, the flight in the motorglider.

Deutsch-Sprechende: Diese Episode nicht runterladen, es ist dasselbe wie in Episode 1, nur auf English!

The episode is a flight in a self-launching sailplane. I mainly describe take-off and landing. The episode is a mix between narration and live recordings from the cockpit.

DS during landing. You can clearly see the positively extended flaps and the extended air brakes.
Before take of, at dawn.
Detail shot of the 50 hp AE50R rotary engine. The engine stays in the fuselage during operation, only the prop and cooler are extended.
The cockpit.
After landing at dawn.
During climb.
In front of the trailer, elevator already removed.

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