030 – The Large Hadron Collider
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This episode is a conversation with CERN’s Rolf Landua about the Large Hadron Collider. We start out by discussing the science and theory behind the LHC what the LHC aims to research, including the higgs boson, the standard model, super symmetry and extra dimensions. We then talked about how the LHC works (proton source, acceleration, superconducting magnets). We conclude the conversation by looking at the LHC experiments and discussing in some detail how the ATLAS detector works.
- Rolf Landua website and at spiegel.de
- CERNwebsite and info at Wikipedia
- The Large Hadron Collider website and at Wikipedia
- ATLAS Experiment
- CMS Experiment
- ALICE Experiment
- LHCb Experiment
- Big Bang
- Peter Higgs
- Higgs Boson
- Spin
- Boson
- Fermion
- Standard Model
- Charm Quark
- W and Z bosons
- Weak Interaction
- Tau Lepton
- Neutrino
- Super Symmetry
- Planck Energy
- Graviton
- Grand Unified Theory
- Superstring theory website, and at Wikipedia
- Planck Length
- LEP collider
- Quarks
- Gluons
- CP Violation
- Silicon Strip Detectors in ATLAS
- Calorimeter
- Hadronic Shower
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Kleine Kritik für eine ansonsten gelungenen Podcast:
1. Alle Beteiligten sollten überdurchschnittlich Englisch können, wenn man solche gehobenen Themen bespricht.
2. Bitte ans Publikum denken, d.h. Fachbegriffe und Gedankengänge, die er Interviewpartner äussert, erklären und hinterfragen. Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass der Moderator hier nur nachfragt, wenn er selbst etwas nicht verstanden hat.
3. Bitte keine Musik mehr…
I just have to say that this was a great episode. I listen to a number of science-themed podcasts and I like this because it is different from all the other ones I’ve tried. More in-depth and less news-focused than the pack and it’s easy to discern when an interviewer is properly prepared. So well done Marcus, and keep ’em coming.
Thank you Cobus, I appreciate your feedback very much :-)
Hi Breen,
let me adress your comments:
# 1. Alle Beteiligten sollten überdurchschnittlich
# Englisch können, wenn man solche gehobenen
# Themen bespricht.
I think the english of both participants (especially Rolf) is absolutely good enough. Sometimes it does feel strange if two Germans talk English; but it’s a tradeoff between audience size and language selection. (by the way: no native english speaker has complained so far).
# 2. Bitte ans Publikum denken, d.h. Fachbegriffe
# und Gedankengänge, die er Interviewpartner
# äussert, erklären und hinterfragen. Ich hatte den
# Eindruck, dass der Moderator hier nur nachfragt,
# wenn er selbst etwas nicht verstanden hat.
Yes, this is my criterion. It is sometimes hard to judge when to ask and when to just go along. I have to make this decision every couple of seconds in such an inteview, and yes, sometimes I might get it wrong. It’s a thin line – because if you ask all the time, the story gets lost.
# 3. Bitte keine Musik mehr…
You’re the first one to say this. I have received several mails that said they liked the music, as well as the specific music selection :-)
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