023 – Ares Orion and Small Satellites at NASA Ames
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This is the third and final episode covering the interviews I did when I was visiting NASA Ames. It consits of two interviews. The first one is about Ames’ involvement in the Ares/Orion projects which are part of the Constellation moon/mars exploration programme. I talk about this with Dr. George Sarver. The second part of the episode covers small satellites and why they are becoming more and more important (compared to traditional, larger satellites). In this part, my guest is Elwood Agasid.
Great Episode on great topics!
Greetz, Thomas
Just for clarification: there was indeed a direct data link between the AGC (Apollo Guidance Computer) and Mission Control. However the astronauts often preferred to type in the numbers themselves to stay on top of what’s happening. Also, quite often the data that was voiced up was filled into checklists, so it was at hand for maneuvers in case the radio link would break down.
Apart from that, great podcast, enjoying it a lot! :)
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